
Monday, October 2, 2017

Update Oct 17 on my mulberry and newly planted asparagus

Since yesterday I was rushing to go to work, I am unable to look after my plants at home. Since I know my mulberries are ripening, I force myself to check on them when reach home after work regardless it is dark. Fortunately I bring my torchlight always with me. Therefore, below is the last night pictures. Using torchlight to ensure better lighting.
The black colour mulberries. I feel it taste sour. I prefer the red one with a hint of black colour
Compilation of this morning activities
The most top left is Ginseng jawa or Talinum paniculatum [3]. And Dell keep on following me when I was busy taking pictures of my plants cause he wanted to me to pet him.

Update on  my mulberries:
My mulberries is getting more red in colour and I manage to pluck 4 of them. It taste like the small buah jambu air. Sour with slight sweet taste.

What Dell do this morning
Dell climb my thigh when I was busy taking pictures. When I let him be, he rub his head to my face. And last is what happen when he is tired after following me around doing work at home. Can see his back leg park on my thigh😁
My 2 weeks asparagus
This is the look of my asparagus (type : marry washington) after replant them after 2 weeks time. The circled in yellow is the new shoots from the replant asparagus. I feel really happy to see the new shoots. As it means the asparagus is stable and can grow better.
The received asparagus last 21 September 2017
I bought the small asparagus tree online via seller in facebook.
Till then, have a good time gardening and playing with your pets.



  1. Tahniah. Tak lama lagi mkn tombak asparagus tnm sendiri.
