
Friday, May 31, 2024

My review on perfume Prada Paradoxe Intense

This is taken on the noon of 11 May 2024. Where I received my precious perfume Prada Paradoxe Intense. 
It smells heavenly sweet and refreshing upon first spray. For me personally, it is suitable to be used in the hot humid Malaysian weather. 
What I love is the smell is different and unique. Since I am able to smell Black Opium worn by others during my trip in Larkin Sentral and Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) last 4 and 5 May 2024.
I have been checking on the reviews on this perfume ever since sniff on it last 4 May 2024 at perfume counter. Since there is perfume Prada Paradoxe and Prada Paradoxe Intense. I do ask to sniff perfume Cloud that is available at the counter. The sales person asked me back if I want to. As it smells like bubble gum to her. It does makes me think again. As I love gourmand sweet perfume. But more towards cookies sweetness. I myself need to remember my preference. She does suggest me perfume Eau Rose from Dyptique. Despite it smells refreshing rose scent, I know I can only wear such perfume once in a while. As it is not my preference. Have experience such with perfume Chloe EDP.

Update on 12 May 2024: 
I think I can recall the initial spray of perfume remind me to Carrie Junior talcum in Groovy Grapeberry.

For me, it is worth money spend for me mentally and emotionally. Need to be able to smell good during the week before of the day of the month.
Until then, have fun enjoying good perfume that perks up your mood.

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