
Saturday, June 29, 2024

My yogurt salad from self harvest

This is taken on the evening of 28 June 2024. Where me and my colleague managed to replant Bentong ginger and lemongrass (serai kampung).
The look one from 3 clumps of Bentong halia.
The look of the harvested mulberry fruits. 
The assembled salad for the evening. I put around 3 gm sliced Bentong ginger,  turmeric flower, mulberry fruits and yogurt. 
The look of added mixed berries yogurt into the salad bowl.
The Bentong ginger taste quite spicy. Fortunately I add less than 3 gm. Would be a whole new world if added more. And I started to pass wind immediately after consuming this salad of mine.
Until then, have fun in making your own salad bowl.

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