
Thursday, June 6, 2024

UTM Career Fair 2024

This is taken on the noon of 5 June 2024. Where I managed to spare time to go for this career fair held in DSI, UTM JB.
First, need to register in order to enter the career fair.
The look of successful registration using UTM apps.
Which then I was asked to choose between eyeliner and lipstick for the freebies. Well, I choose the lipstick. As it is more practical for me when in rush. Details of the lipstick given is explained below. There are other freebies. Lotion, plain water and yogurt. Since I was in rush and alone, I did not managed to take much pictures of the event.

The floor plan layout. Which I have to ask the committee for it. Where it usually pasted on the door entrance. So I just take picture of it from the committee tablet.
Meet lab mate last time who is now doing PhD. At least found a familiar face among the others.
Selfie with the given lipstick. Did not wear it yet as going to pray at that time.

Picture of me wearing the given lipstick. It was light and easily to wear. Will make detailed review of it later.
Managed to harvest 11 unit kelapa pandan (coconut) fruit in the evening. Which leads to my 8 hours and 13 minutes of total sleep last night. 
Until then, have fun in fully utilizing your time and get enough sleep hours.

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