
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Special skill class of weaving ketupat skin with undergraduate students in lab

This is taken this morning. Where it was planned in the night before for session of special skill in weaving ketupat skin with undergraduate students in lab. Only one out of 4 undergraduate students know how to weave ketupat skin.
The look cooked ketupat hanged in creative way by the undergraduate students. Need hang the cooked ketupat to let the excess water drip away. So that it could last till next day consumption.
The look of the eaten cooked ketupat with chicken soup. Add sambal kicap (spicy soy sauce) for extra kick to the mix.
The initial look in the morning. Where my boss brings in the coconut leaves and 5 kg of rice pack specially chosen to make ketupat fillings.
I cook the chicken soup first while waiting the undergraduate students to finish weaving the ketupat skin.
The focus and serious look of the undergraduate students in learn weaving the ketupat skin.

The look of the weaved ketupat skin.
The look of the filled ketupat with washed rice. Ready to be cooked after submerge them in water. Cook using the existing equipment in lab.
It took only 1 hour for the first batch of 12 ketupat to finish cooking. Where it is ready to be eaten. I do immediately finished fill in the balance from 1 kg rice to 16 ketupat to cook them afterwards. Finished cooking the second session ketupat by 4.20 pm. Where the fasting undergraduate students able to take their fill for their iftar later. 
We are using 1 kg rice and 1.9 kg whole chicken for 6 person consumption. Start making the ketupat skin around 12 pm. Basically able to eat it 3 hours after that. Our makan besar on Aidil Adha eve. The longest time taken in the weaving process. Having a pressure cooker does helps a lot to cut time for 6 person consumption [1].
It does feel good as one of the undergraduate student never once eaten soto ayam with ketupat. He even get refill and eat it with sambal kicap (spicy soy sauce) like true Johorean.
Till then, have fun in weaving ketupat with others for Aidil Adha.


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