
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Steaming corn cobs inside pressure cooker

This is taken on the noon of 11 July 2024. Start cooking 3.55 pm. Finished cooking 4.09 pm. Just took 14 minutes of cooking time. Press, set, leave it to cook. Easy peasy.

I just wash the outer skin. Put water till 2 cm high inside the inner pot. Then choose function rice with timer set to 0.5. 
The look of cooked corn cobs. After 6 minutes leaving it to naturally release pressure. 
The look of cooked corn.

It was sweet and soft to my teeth. Satisfied with the taste.
Until then, have fun in steaming corn in pressure cooker. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Night photography session with my round RGB video light

This is taken on the evening of 31 May 2024. Where I managed to take good pictures of my plants at night. After remember to bring necessary gear for my round RGB video light.
This picture is taken using photo mode setting in my Samsung Galaxy A34 phone. 
This picture is taken using night mode setting in my Samsung Galaxy A34 phone. 
I am able to see that the night mode setting gives much better output for my preference. Well, it is a hands-on session of self experiment. Since angle of the video light also contributes for a better picture outcome. 
The ballsy bodyguard that do his job well guarding my side during the night photography session. Well, he have eaten his given share of cat food before my photography session. This is male stray cat that always come to my house when he heard I open my house door. He was quite an alert cat.
New flower buds to my kesidang flower plant. At new branch end.
Notice 1 unit cherry Barbados already turned red in colour.
Close up look on the harvested red cherry Barbados fruit. I did not managed to weigh it before consumption. As I immediately plant the seeds after finished eating it. If not, I might forget to plant the seeds if do it later.
The look of my soursop (durian belanda) fruits on its tree.
The look of new flower buds to my soursop (durian belanda).
All pictures are taken using night mode setting in my Samsung Galaxy A34 phone. 
The look of photography setting. I am using round RGB video light with phone holder that have cold shoe mount and Samsung Galaxy A34 phone. 
I used the cold shoe mount that comes with the round RGB video light to mount the round RGB video light to the phone holder.
I am using Huawei Y9 Prime 2019 phone to take this picture. The only issue for this part is the phone holder makes the round RGB video light to be on either left or right phone at its portrait structure. Which I found it would be better if the phone holder able to position the round RGB video light on top of the camera location. Would be better and easier to adjust the photo taking session to my preference.
Until then, have fun in taking good pictures of your planted plants.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Digging out hole use auger drill bit

This is taken on the evening of 21 June 2024. Where I am helping out one retired lady to dig out hole to bury beef bones from her sup tulang (beef bones soup) dish. Fortunately I remember to bring my auger drill bit size 8.2 cm x 30 cm.
The look of dig out hole using auger drill bit. Before I clean the hole out from the crumbled soil.
The look of the fill up hole with bones and dig out soil.
Close up of the fill up hole.
This process took me less than 15 minutes. With less effort, no sweat. Worth money spend on the auger drill bit.
This lady have tried to bury the bones last year inside pot soil. However she said that the bones still intact even after 1 year being buried. Well, that is where you need to understand composting basic. What creature and method able to helps to do decomposition faster.
She was even impressed with my auger drill bit set. And interested to buy also. However, I have told her to just pay others to help dig out hole later. Since this kind of tool is custom assembled by me. And I know more and also use it more. Not worth it for those who will only use it once a year.
So far this  auger drill bit set being used at least once a month by me.
Until then, have fun in digging out hole to bury bones from your sup tulang Qurban.

[1] The look of used auger drill bit set last 2 November 2023

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Was asked my secret of wrinkle free face

This was asked on the evening of 19 June 2024. Where this new girlfriend of mine asking me my secret of wrinkle free face. After I share this picture of me with melur jawa@jambak flower. Well for me personally, I do see well and clearly all my wrinkles, crow feet and smile lines.
Well I think it is mainly due to my round plump face. Thinking back, I do use my self made cocoa butter nourishing cream that I do add argan oil in it. Since I want to have cream application instead of the runny argan oil on my face. Plus due to last time I accidentally knock the argan oil bottle and it oozing out. Lesson learned well. Seems that my self made cocoa butter cream formulation does works well to my aging skin.
I do eat fresh and organic fruits. That I self grown and harvest. I am still a firm believer of eating food as medicine. And to refrain from taking medicine as food.
For me, what matter is to be healthy and able to do daily task with ease. That is the most important part for me.
Until then, have fun in enjoying good nourishing cream for your skin.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Iftar Senibong in 2014

This entry is made in the noon of 28 May 2024. Where I stumbled and decided to published entry for this pictures.

This is taken last 22 July 2014. Sorry for the quality of the pictures. Since it is taken under very low lighting area.

They are some of the lab mates last time. 

Until then, have fun enjoying good food with good companion.

Friday, September 6, 2024

The harvested pink rose flowers

This is taken on the evening of 20 June 2024. 

Until then, be safe when harvesting rose flowers. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Brewing herbal drinks

This is taken on the evening of 28 August 2024. 

Finished putting in all ingredients in my brewer by 11.14 am. I use function 60°C to let it brew.

I add 1 bunga telang blue and 3 spearmint leaves to the brewed mixture by 2.40 pm.

I only managed to drink it after reached home and clean up. Before 8 pm. And I am able to fall asleep before 10.30 pm.

The initial target is to drink it by 4 pm. But was too occupied with works.

Until then, have fun in brewing your daily herbal drinks. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The look of orange Cherry Barbados fruit

This is taken on the evening of 28 August 2024. One of the cherry Barbados fruit has turned 80% orange in colour.
In the morning of 27 August 2024, only the bottom part start to turned slight orange.
Quite fast the colour changing process.

Update on morning of 29 August 2024.
The look of the harvested cherry Barbados fruits. It already turned red in colour. The green one on the side is accidentally taken. As I did not use scissors or pruner for the harvesting process. Lesson learned the hard way.
Until then, have fun in taking progress picture of your planted cherry Barbados fruits.