
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Making cocoa butter nourishing cream

This is taken on the morning of 16 May 2024. Where I managed to prepare order of cocoa butter nourishing cream. My customer wanted to bring for her pilgrimage (Haji).
The look of melted main ingredient, cocoa butter.
The packed cocoa butter nourishing cream.

Labeling process. This portable label printer does comes in handy. Worth investing for it.
I add red sticker to differentiate hot cream with cocoa butter nourishing cream. As I do notice coloured visual aid helps faster when in rush. 
The look of delivered package. Where I add 1 hook for bag. Which to be used in public toilet later when needed.
Actually I have planned to deliver this package on 17 May 2024. Then suddenly customer asked if it can be delivered on 16 May 2024 evening. As her son attending event in Taman Universiti and I can just passed to him. So I end up making it since early morning of 16 May 2024. It is not easy. As I do all by myself. Where Furball is not helping at all. Regardless, I successfully delivered it on time. Despite all the glitch and hiccups. 
Until then, have fun in making your own cocoa butter nourishing cream.

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