
Friday, August 23, 2024

Cleaning up prayer room (surau)

This is taken on the evening of 21 May 2024. Where I stay in the prayer room (surau) to ensure to do my Maghrib prayer before go back home. As it was 6.40 pm when the decision is made.
I do noticed the full to the brimmed bin after taken my wuduk (ablution). Which I just proceed to do my Asar prayer first. 
Saw this left empty food container on the shelves. Despite the signage to not eat in the prayer room.
Stuffed tissue inside perfume box.
I collect all visible garbage that I can see around the wuduk area. Take them all out along with the one inside bin. The food container does emit smells when I shove it into the large bin on the corridor. It smells like it's been since Sunday or Monday of this week.
Well, this prayer room is no longer cleaned by cleaner. I know few lecturer that helps with the cleaning up. I just do what I can for my part. 
Just hope someone can put new plastic inside the bin for easy cleaning up later. Since I do not have large plastic bag inside my bag that time.
I normally pray in the lab. Hardly use the prayer room. Since I prefer to limit my human interactions ever since covid outbreak. 

Update on morning 23 May 2024:
Fortunately I managed to remember to put plastic inside the bin. I do it after reached lab. Before the scheduled research discussion. 

The look of before putting plastic inside bin of prayer room (surau).
The look after I put plastic inside the bin.

Until then, have fun in help on cleaning up prayer room in your area.

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