
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Guiding prospect student to the correct faculty

This is taken on the morning of 11 June 2024. Where I just finished submitting online claim file to RMC level 3 in building F54. Then one guy stop me and asked me about where to go. As he wanted to ask for diploma enrollment for computer science. I was quite stupefied with such question. Fortunately I remember to ask for which entry level and course. Thankfully my lecturer was nearby. I immediately flagged my lecturer to help advised this guy. Let the expert do the talking.
The look of my lecturer guiding this guy to the correct place to ask using Google maps in that person phone. So that would be easier for him to navigate his way to Faculty of Science Computer. The beauty of technology. 
However, after that I end up forget to do another task. Since was disrupted with this guiding session. Well, fortunately it is not urgent and still can be done tomorrow. 
The funny part is, my lecturer asked me later in the evening. Whether the guy is Indian or not. Since his Malay is good. Which I clarified that yes the guy in Indian. And he does have a good fluent Malay language. 
Until then, have fun in using technology to help navigate others in needs.

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