
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How to get the looks even when you are not born with it?

My make up while using spectacles

Before I start my new entry on “How to stay beautiful would help to boost your confidence”, I would like to start with one interesting question.
  • What is look?
I would like to use definition number 2 of noun for look = the appearance of someone or something, especially as expressing a particular quality.
  • How important are looks?
For me, it is important. As from my experience handling people from corporate until government, first impression does give impact for subsequent meeting. Since human are psychologically a visualize creature.
  • Why look is important? I will give scenario for you
Like in  Hindustan movie title “Dil To Pagal Hai”  that I’ve watched last Saturday (9 Aug 2014) in TV3. I would like to make comparison between Mahduri Dixit (graceful, elegance, matured) with Karisma Kapoor (have the look but easily sulks, acting not as her age). Which one will you choose? For me, I do prefer Mahduri Dixit compare to Karisma Kapoor. My reason:I prefer elegance, maturity and simple modest attire. As in the end of the movie, Mahduri Dixit were chased by 2 guys and none for Karisma Kapoor. That’s the difference on how to use your look in a proper way.
Certain people already confident with their look. But, there is no harm to enhance your look for better. You would need to know what is your strength of focus in your face. As if for me, I love to focus on my eyes in my make up. But, since I am a person who wears and my works tends to make me have less than 8 hours sleeps, so I need to change my make from focusing on my eyes to style that compliment my spectacles.
Although you do not have the look, you could still be able to achieve it by using your brain, a little of your intelligence in googling with correct keywords, a bit of creativity and a bag of make up for tools. Nowadays have plenty of make up artist (MUA) that you could follow in youtube in order to get idea what kind of make up that suits you the most for your daily routine. I love to follow the Pixiwoo sisters as they try varieties of make up style that would have at least one that could suits your daily routine. I do add on my creativity on top of it as I do not have as much as make up items and tools as what they do. Therefore, I just use the things that I have and manage to get youthful looks that help to enhance my face although my age already outgrown my face 😊. Need also to learn to be creative in mix and match your make up with your attire in order to avoid looking out of sequence #_#
Advantage for me is to have a good girlfriend Wani who is also is also a make up artist that gives a lot of comment and advise on the make up that I put. And it does help me a lot improving my skills in putting make up. This is what I call close loop feedback (love to use Engineering terms in my daily life). My peers, colleagues and girlfriends (the one who is close to me) give feedback and I improvises as per the feedback. My make up could also last me one whole day without looking worn out with minimal touch up although I am not using expensive products. To know the secret, you would have to come to my grooming class. But, I normally cleans my skin although not praying as I prefer to prevent the make up to clog my skin for long time. Prevention way better that cure 😊. I love taking care of my skin in order to have a good look when wearing make up as clean and moisturize skin is like a white canvas that easy to put on make up.
I am not the type that always checking myself in the mirror. I have no mirror on my working desk. So, what I do is to make sure that I am properly dress up in the morning before leave the house. Then, during prayers and while in bathroom.

I am the type of person who believe the strength of first impression.
Why? As I am dealing with lots of people, involves in various meetings and management. Therefore, good first impression will lead to next meeting. However, you cannot rely on looks only for that. That would have to come in one good package where I could share with you in my grooming class that I will announce the date later.
Below is the picture of me in the afternoon before Zohor prayer. I love mix and match my attire which complements my make up. Receive tons of compliments on my attire selection. But that, comes from hard work, creativity and lots of research through out the internet.
Above is the picture of me in the morning, after coming out from house. I focus on my lips as I am wearing spectacles that day.
Have fun in trying out make up. Do make sure to clean your make up properly.
And see you in my next entry on my minimal make up for daily usage.
My mix and match attire for that day 😊.

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