
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Activities on evening

This is taken on the evening of 18 June 2024. Where I am doing some tidying up to the planted plant outside lab. While waiting for a retired friend to come to the lab to see all those plants.
The look of 8 unit pink rose flowers. Harvested for the friend.
The look of huge serai (lemongrass) stalk.
Replanting the bottom part of the serai (lemongrass) stalk that already have roots. 
My dinner that evening, sup tulang.
Which I wat together with my 32 gm steamed rice.
The broken branch to my kelapa mataq (coconut) tree.
The look of 25 kg fertilizer with NPK 8:8:8. Have to carry it down in 1 piece.
It is good to be still be able to do all theses things. Makes me appreciate more my aging body and time of being alive.
Until then, have fun in utilizing your time in the evening. 

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