
Monday, June 24, 2024

The look of my pretty soursop (durian belanda) fruit

This is taken on the evening of 23 June 2024. Where I managed to remember to harvest my soursop (durian belanda) fruit. After a thorough and extensive inspection. 

I am happy to see harvest. The soursop (durian belanda) fruit looks clean and healthy.
It also weigh more than 0.5 kg = 870.3 gm to be exact. The heaviest and largest so far from this tree.
What matter is, this time I am able to harvest it. As the one before this, was taken by someone using cutter. This time, my friend suggested to wrap the soursop (durian belanda) fruit. As a mark it is taken care by someone. Since it is planted outside of houde gate.
A lot of people point out the soursop (durian belanda) fruit skin looks yellow. 
It is actually green in colour. Maybe the use lighting and angle at night makes it look yellow.
The look after dissection (lapahan) is done. Pretty and white flesh inside. It is also tasty with 80% sweetness and 20% sourness. 

Until then, have fun in harvesting your planted soursop (durian belanda) fruit.

[1] Planting my soursop (durian belanda) tree last 8 September 2017

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