
Friday, July 5, 2024

A full day of schedule

This is taken on the morning of 4 July 2024. Where it started with my work presentation.
The presentation slides.
 The food break while waiting for results. 
The lunch food after the morning presentation. Celebration the work done. With major correction still.
The presentation for slicer group from microprocessor class taught by my boss. Noon session. 
Tea break with durian. It was gifted by one of lecturer that self planted the tree.
Early dinner of nan cheese with tandoori chicken. 
I managed to make bonfire to keep myself warm for a while after arrived home. Before 8 pm.
I am grateful for the supply of coconut fruits harvested on Monday. Which enables me to be at my best condition. 

Also drinking warm lemongrass water the day before and the morning did helps a lot to my aging body.
This is where I am grateful for being able to self grown it all and use it for myself. And this makes me feel to put more effort in growing both coconut (kelapa pandan) and lemongrass. 
Until then, be safe while preparing for your work presentation. 

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