
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Some activities of the day

This is taken on the morning of 29 July 2024. 
Starting my day with a plate of nasi dagang with kari ikan tongkol.
The look of harvested pisang lemak manis after being dissected sisir/sikat by sisir/sikat.
The look of deep red roselle juice of 184.6 ml from 19 fruit petals.
The temperature is 45°C during noon time. 
Where I become escort to my boss who goes shopping for fertilizer. As he unable to stand my 1 kelapa pandan (coconut) tree have more fruits and yield compare to his 5 kelapa pandan (coconut) tree. Well he forget that my kelapa pandan (coconut) tree have me as their gardener and care taker on Master level.
Upon reache lab 4 pm, I immediately processed the bought 5 corn cobs for tea break consumption.
The used 6 liter inner pot able to accommodate 5 corn cobs per cooking session.
Use pressure cooker to steam it at 4.14 pm.
Finished cooking when go check 4.21 pm.
4.24 pm put in vecad pantry for the other 3 to eat.
4.26 pm I arrived prayer room to do my Zohor prayer.
Fully utilized time😬.

The pretty look of steamed corn cob at 4.47 pm. The other 3 waits for me to eat the corn together. 

The look of 10 sisir/sikat pisang awak (banana) fruits after being dissected. 
Until then, stay focus in doing your daily work.

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