
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Installing screw to securely used rake (pencakar)

This is taken on the evening of 23 June 2024. Where I finally successfully installed screw on my metal rake (pencakar).
The look of the bought rake (pencakar) received last 14 June 2024.
Using my vernier caliper to measure the hole size on the rake (pencakar) handle.

Monday, June 24, 2024

The look of my pretty soursop (durian belanda) fruit

This is taken on the evening of 23 June 2024. Where I managed to remember to harvest my soursop (durian belanda) fruit. After a thorough and extensive inspection. 

I am happy to see harvest. The soursop (durian belanda) fruit looks clean and healthy.
It also weigh more than 0.5 kg = 870.3 gm to be exact. The heaviest and largest so far from this tree.
What matter is, this time I am able to harvest it. As the one before this, was taken by someone using cutter. This time, my friend suggested to wrap the soursop (durian belanda) fruit. As a mark it is taken care by someone. Since it is planted outside of houde gate.
A lot of people point out the soursop (durian belanda) fruit skin looks yellow. 
It is actually green in colour. Maybe the use lighting and angle at night makes it look yellow.
The look after dissection (lapahan) is done. Pretty and white flesh inside. It is also tasty with 80% sweetness and 20% sourness. 

Until then, have fun in harvesting your planted soursop (durian belanda) fruit.

[1] Planting my soursop (durian belanda) tree last 8 September 2017

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hook to hold bag safely while driving

This is taken on the noon of 24 May 2024. Where I remember to take picture of the placement of my bag when I am driving.
This hook bought last time in Mr. DIY shop. It is really helpful to help hang bought groceries and food. Which I also discover another function of it. That is to safely hold my daily bag in place while driving.
I think I should hang it closer to me later. For even more safety reason.
Until then, have fun in using a hook to keep your bag in place while driving.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

My lemongrass (serai) drink for my sore throat

This is taken on the night of 25 May 2024. Where I make lemongrass (serai) drink. Using the harvested lemongrass (serai) stalk.

I used the short knife to cut it [1]. And the back handle of the short knife to flattened the stalk [1]. A good improvising way to reduce amount of to wash tools.

Until then, have fun in drinking a good lemongrass (serai) drink to sooth your sore throat. 


[1] My short knife

Friday, June 21, 2024

Pruning trees on residential fence area

This is taken on the morning of 24 May 2024. Where I managed to prune the overflowing tree branches grown on residential fences. 

I was just being courteous. As my neighbor park his car on that area. Where he should park further ahead in front of his very house.

Until then, be careful while pruning the overflowing tree branches.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

My batik kimono top

This is taken on the evening of 22 May 2024. I managed to remember to take pictures of my mandarin orange tree. Where it is germinated from seeds. While wearing my batik kimono top.
Close up on the batik kimono top.

I bought the batik fabric during my trip to Yogjakarta in 2019. Where I send to tailor for custom made last year. 
The batik fabric is really smooth and cooling. Feel very comfortable wearing it. And as usual, I have to pair it with pants. As that evening I still have to help out in gardening works before leave the lab.
Until then, have fun in wearing your custom made batik kimono top.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Activities on evening

This is taken on the evening of 18 June 2024. Where I am doing some tidying up to the planted plant outside lab. While waiting for a retired friend to come to the lab to see all those plants.
The look of 8 unit pink rose flowers. Harvested for the friend.
The look of huge serai (lemongrass) stalk.
Replanting the bottom part of the serai (lemongrass) stalk that already have roots. 
My dinner that evening, sup tulang.
Which I wat together with my 32 gm steamed rice.
The broken branch to my kelapa mataq (coconut) tree.
The look of 25 kg fertilizer with NPK 8:8:8. Have to carry it down in 1 piece.
It is good to be still be able to do all theses things. Makes me appreciate more my aging body and time of being alive.
Until then, have fun in utilizing your time in the evening. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Cover for my cleaver

This is taken on the morning of 23 May 2024. Where I managed to take picture of cover for my cleaver. 
Before putting in the cleaver into its cover.
The look of nicely fit cleaver in its cover.
For me, it is a worth investment buying the cover. As I do bring this cleaver a lot for my gardening consultation works.
Until then, be safe in using cleaver with its cover that close the sharp part safely. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

My tall mandarin orange tree

This is taken on the evening of 22 May 2024. Where I managed to self take picture of me with the planted mandarin orange tree. Where I germinate the seeds. When checking my blog entry, the journey of germinating mandarin orange seeds is from 2017 [1].
Can see the tall mandarin orange tree above my head height.
Unfortunately the tree still have not yet hear any flowers. I need to put more EM (Effective Microorganism) to boost it growth. 
Until then, have fun in germinating and growing mandarin orange from the seeds of eaten fruits.

[1] The journey of germinating mandarin orange seeds in 2017

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The look of uprooted tree on the side of the road

This is taken on 23 May 2024. I was at passenger seat at the time. 
I noticed the uprooted tree last Tuesday, 14 May 2024. After a long and heavy rain the day before.
Close up look of the uprooted tree. 
The zoom out look of the uprooted tree. 
That is why the tree before the uprooted one has been chopped short. To reduce the probability for it to be uprooted. 
More reason for me to trim short my mango tree at home. 
Until then, be safe while driving during heavy rains. As I have refrained myself from such.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Testing my 20 W powerbank

This is taken on the evening of 7 May 2024. Where I managed to remember to test out 20 W of 20,000 mAh powerbank. 
Start charging my Samsung Galaxy A34 phone when it is at 48%. I use USB-C to USB-C cable and USB-C port on the powerbank.
The 20 W of 20,000 mAh powerbank full capacity indicator is 4 full led. Once my Samsung Galaxy A34 phone full, left with 3 led.
Then the 20 W powerbank left 2 led. After I fully charged Huawei Y9 Prime 2019 phone right after I finished charging the above.
The look of the powerbank box 
The look of 3 types usb port on the powerbank. 
The look of the powerbank beside my Huawei Y9 Prime 2019 phone. 
So far, it is fast charging. To charged it back up, just plug USB-C into the USB-C port. I use my set of 30 W USB-C and USB-C fast charging cable. 
Until then, have fun in using good powerbank to power up your phone. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Making my version of grilled lamb shoulder using available ingredients

This is taken on the noon of 13 June 2024. Where I immediately started the cooking process right after arrived lab.
Plating of the cooked grilled lamb shoulder and steamed rice.
Cooking process: takes me less than 30 minutes. 
The squeaky clean plate.
The look of the cooked grilled lamb shoulder in the pot. After 1 hour leave it cooking in pressure cooker.
I use function tendon with timer set to 1.0 (1 hour cooking time). I put 14 gm butter after water evaporate. The I put 2 slices 0.6 cm thick lamb shoulder to sear it. Drizzle 2 fm black pepper on top of the lamb shoulder. Then I add 43 ml water. Then I put in all 4 potatoes that roughly cut.  I just roughly tear the harvested leaves. Lastly I put in 3 garlic and 3 unit ripe purple chilies (it turned orange).
Comments from my colleague: less water. He likes soupy dish. Plus the potatoes absorbed all the used water. Means I need to x5 the water quantity for next cooking session. The meat is tender. And the fat is tasty. The potatoes very soft. Taste like mashed potatoes that have been mashed and put back into shape of potatoes.
Until then, have fun enjoying good grilled lamb shoulder and steamed rice.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

My self made noni juice

This is taken on the evening of 3 June 2024. Where I notice that the noni fruit harvested last 31 May 2024 already started giving the ripe pungent smell. After a quick check, I am able to see that noni juice is good to be taken for easier night sleep. Therefore the experiment is done.
Total output is 8 ml.

The look of the used 1 noni fruit weigh 73.8 gm and 1 lime fruit weigh 43.3 gm. 
I am able to drink it in 1 shot as it is. Drinkable for me. It was advised to drink in the morning. I still have 1 more noni fruit and 1 more lime fruit for tomorrow morning experiment. Which is advisable to drink in empty stomach and 30 minutes before breakfast. Where I do drink just now with empty stomach. Will update later the outcome.
Until then, have fun in using fresh fruit for your supplement. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Using pandan leaves for fragrant space freshener

This is taken on the noon of 11 May 2024. 
The look of cutted pandan leaves inside small mesh bag.
The look of close zipped mesh bag.
The look of pandan leaves stalks. I get it after asking permission from my gorgeous and generous neighbor. 
It already giving nice fragrant to the area.
Until then, have fun in using pandan leaves to let you space fresh and fragrant. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Early dinner date with my girlfriend

This is taken on the evening of 31 May 2024. Where we are having coffee break. After a long walk to digest the early dinner eaten earlier.
We managed to come across 2 properties booth at level near Starbucks lot in Paradigm Mall. Which is a good thing. As my girlfriend is looking to buy a house.
Our early dinner. We arrived just when then shop was setting to receive customers. 
My girlfriend wanted to order meat. However the meat dishes is not ready yet. As they just received the meat stock. And it is not yet processed. Regardless, my girlfriend able to feel full after all theses 4 dishes. And she does not need to order meat after the meal is finished. 
Until then, have fun in enjoying good food with good companion. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

The pretty look of almost fully bloom melur jawa@jambak flower

This is taken on noon of 9 June 2024. Where I managed to take picture of the almost fully bloom melur jawa@jambak flower with my friend. 
Video of the almost fully bloom melur jawa@jambak flower.
Until then, have fun in taking progress picture of your almost fully bloom melur jawa@jambak flower.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The look of used hook to hang my daily keys

This is taken on the noon of 14 May 2024. Where I managed to take picture of the new hook used on keys I used daily.
The look of previous hook used on my key.
The look of 4 color of the bought hooks. I bought 2 unit for each colour (red, orange, blue and green).
I choose 4 different type of colours as I am currently using 4 groups of keys in daily basis. The colour code helps me a lot when in rush. For example today, I forget to keep the hook of house key inside my bag and put on the hook of lab keys. Which I end up unable to lock the lab door when in rush to go for lunch. But noticed the error fast. When I see the colour on the hook. I am able to switch to the correct key and lock the door. As when rushing, will make me slower in processing and troubleshooting. That is why I found that using colour coded method helps me a lot to stay alert. My own way to improve my daily process flow.
Until then, have fun in using colour coded hook for your daily keys.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Self label my shovel and dustbin using nail polish

This is taken on the noon of 7 June 2024. Where I managed to label my shovel and dustbin with hot pink nail polish. After planning for it quite sometimes. 
I just use the applicator inside the nail polish and freestyle it. Have tries using alphabet template, but it does not turn out well.

I have used permanent marker last time. But it easily wear off. To use paint sprayer, I  would need to make the word template. So this is the best option for me.
Until then, have fun in labelling your gardening and household things.

Friday, June 7, 2024

The look of flower buds to my melur jawa plant

This is taken on the noon of 13 May 2024. Where I noticed flower buds to my melur jawa flower plant. I get this plant last August 2024. It was planted outside lab last October 2024.
Basically it took almost 7 months under my care for it to started bear flower buds. 
Until then, have fun taking progress picture of your planted melur jawa flower plant.