
Sunday, June 30, 2019

The look of my ripe purple nona (sweetsop) fruit.

My purple nona (sweetsop) fruit finally ripe last 24 June 2019. Basically after 110 days or 3 months and 18 days it became fruit bud. Quite a long time taken to wait for it ripe. It was already too ripe and smushed right after harvest. Despite that, it is very sweet and fragrant.
It takes almost 1 year 7 months and 5 days or 582 days for me to taste the first fruit after planted it last 20 November 2017 [2].

My simple make up look after few work activities and lunch.

This is taken last noon of 19 June 2019. It is after few work activites out of the lab and lunch that day. I do not even have time or to blot off my oily face.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The look of my nona (sweetsop) fruit.

This is taken in the morning of 17 June 2019.
Can see how big the growth of my purple nona (sweetsop) fruit is after almost 103 days or 3 months and 11 days the fruit bud stage [1].

Friday, June 28, 2019

The look of Asian house shrew caught by my cat, Furball.

This is taken last morning of 16 June 2019.
Can see that my cat, Furball is guarding the dead caught Asian house shrew by her [1].

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Harvesting pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits from the one planted outside lab area.

This is taken in the evening of 26 June 2019.
Able to get around 1,877 gm of the whole tandan (bunch) that consist 7 sisir/sikat pisang lemak manis. 4 of them already split open. 

The look of this main caregiver with his portion of pisang lemak manis (banana)  fruit.

The look of my growing tomato fruits outside work place.

I am very happy to see that my tomato fruit grow bigger last 11 June 2019. This is planted outside my work place (lab) in School of Electrical Engineering (SKE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

Selfie with the tomato fruits:

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The look of 1 yellowing pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits from the one planted outside lab.

This is taken in noon of 25 June 2019. Almost 293 days or 9 months and 20 days from the day it is planted [1]. Pictures of 1 yellowing pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits planted outside lab area [1].
Chronology of this pisang lemak manis (banana) :
  • Planted last 6 September 2018 [1].
  • Daun pengasuh out last 24 April 2019 [2]. Almost 231 days or 7 months and 19 days from the day it is planted [1].
  • The look of 5 sisir/sikat (bunch) pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits last 8 May 2019 [3]. Almost 245 days or 8 months and 3 days from the day it is planted [1].
Photography session with the pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits. Happy to see good progress of the plant growth based on techniques from my consultation service. Proof that good fruits can be grown well outside working place. This type of banana plant also suitable to be planted in a basket [4]. Like one of my consultation service to my neighbor [4].

Hairy caterpillar on my purslane.

This is taken last night of 10 June 2019. I was using my torchlight to shine and see my plants before I water them after reach home late that day. Where I saw very hairy and large caterpillar munching on my purslane plant. I think it was around 3 cm long.
👆👆👆The sharp crisp picture of the hairy caterpillar  on my third time after 2 shaking attempt. I am using both hands to hold and balanced my Samsung J7 Prime phone with my torchlight.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Lighting experiments to my indoor selfie.

This is taken around 8.15 pm of 10 June 2019. Basically after almost 11 hours with the make up I applied since morning. I am able to do such experiment due to prayer exemption I get today😌.
Do forgive my oily face. I have not touch up my face at all. Only blot it once around 3 pm plusm
I am using 3 different lights for my selfie lighting experiments.

List of used lights:
1. From my mini LED light, 9 LEDs,  4.2 cm diameter [1].
2. From my mirror LED,  23 LEDs, dimension 15.8 cm x 7.8 cm x 0.63 cm [2].
3. From my 24 LEDs ring light, 9 cm diameter [3].

Gap between my Oppo A71 (2018) phone and my face is around 4 to 9 cm.

Taken pictures using my mini LED light:
I have marked both pictures👆 above and bottom👇 on my eyeliner.

Monday, June 24, 2019

The blooming papaya flower.

The look of blooming Eksotika papaya flower last 3 June 2019. It was planted outside lab area. I am thankful that the papaya flowers safe from snail and slug attack. Unlike the one planted outside my house compound.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Video Furball skillfully climb down from rooftop.

This is taken in the evening of 19 June 2019. I was putting in dinner food for the cats in their room.
I am able to take video Furball getting better in climbing down from rooftop of the room. Not sure what she loves so much staying up in the rooftop.

My simple make up look.

This is taken last 3 June 2019. This is taken around 2.30 pm. Before I wash it off for my Zohor prayer.

I do think I look more decent after my morning make up. Since I am able to spend a little more time for it.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Delivery of pisang lemak manis and pisang tanduk to my customer.

My look of whole tandan (bunch) pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits and 2 unit of my pisang tanduk (banana) fruits. It was for delivery to my customer in the morning 21 June 2019.
It is not an easy task for 1 person to do it. But it is doable. Which I end up with only the above picture for the delivery process. I really need to teach Dell to take good picture of me later.

The look of my growing pisang lemak manis.

This picture of my growing pisang lemak manis is taken last 31 May 2019. Can see the tremendous growth spurt after 29 days [1].

Friday, June 21, 2019

The look of pisang lemak manis heart from the one planted in a basket.

My pretty neighbour shared pictures of the heart of her planted pisang lemak manis. That being planted in a basket last 2 November 2018 based on my gardening consultation service [1].
The heart comes out last 20 June 2019. Basically after 7 months and 17 days or 231 days planted it in a basket.
For your information, after the heart is out the banana fruits will slowly emerge from the banana heart. After the last male fruits is out, only then you can harvest the banana heart. You need to be patience. If not, you will not get any banana fruits if you harvest the heart right away. 
I am really happy to see good progress of her planted pisang lemak manis. Hopefully she will be able to enjoys the fruits around early September 2019.

My selfie with the growing tomato fruit planted outside lab area.

This is taken last 27 May 2019. Can see the fruit bud growth after 57 days from the last fruit bud started to show shape last 1 April 2019 [1].

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Making kerepek pisang (banana chips) from my harvested organic pisang tanduk (banana) fruits.

I manage to make kerepek pisang (banana chips) out of my organic pisang tanduk (banana) fruits in the evening of 20 June 2019. After harvest the fruits last evening of 18 June 2019 [1].
Able to get 1 and half of tall container from 2 and half my organic pisang tanduk (banana) fruits.
Left container: 24 cm (H) x 14 cm (W), right container: 26 cm (H) x 14 cm (W).
Cooking process: slicing the pisang tanduk (banana) using my mandolin slicer [2] 

The look of 2 stingless bee roaming near flowers on my pisang lemak manis heart.

This is taken in the morning of 13 June 2019. I saw 2 stingless bee roaming near flowers on heart of my pisang lemak manis. Quite surprising.
This is different from the one I saw last 19 June 2019 [1]. Slightly smaller in size. Also almost all black in colour.
Sorry for the unclear or unsharp pictures and videos. Since it is taken using my precious Samsung J7 Prime phone. Have to make do with what available in hands that time. 

My simple make up look for work.

This is taken in the morning of 29 May 2019. I am lining my eyes using my NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in colour dark blue with silver glitter [1]. I just used my Anastasia Beverly Hills No 7 brush for very fine application. Since the tip of the eye pencil is too huge for  thin eyeliner application.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The look of stingless bee roaming on my rose flower.

This is taken last 19 June 2019. Where I saw 1 stingless bee hovering aroundy blooming rose flower. 
What I could identify is it has:
  • Black eyes with orange outer layer. 
  • Black legs. 
  • Orange wing tip. 
  • Orange stomach. 
It is either Tetragonilla atripes or Geniotrigona thoracica based on the above criterias. Still do not know much on stingless bee to be able to identify it easily. 

Video of the stingless bee move around my rose flower.
Hopefully I am able to get some help in identifying this species of stingless bee. Unfortunately I do not know any expert especially an entomologist to assist in identification process.

My simple make up look today.

I do simple eyeliner using dark brown and black glittery eyeshadow powder last morning of 28 May 2019. I just use the same Anastasia Beverly Hills no 7 brush that I used for my eyebrows.
I do applied my make up this morning with the aid of my 7x magnifying mirror and 26 cm/10 inch ring light [1]. I am able to see better and get even results using both tools. That shows how important good lighting for make up application. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Harvesting my organic pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits.

I harvest my pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits today after get confirmation from my customer this morning. Basically it is sold out since the customer wants the whole tandan (bunch). The whole tandan (bunch) with 8 sisir/sikat is 3.9 kg.
The look of the harvested pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits.

Harvesting my pisang tanduk (banana) fruits.

I was actually plan to harvest my pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits this evening [1]. After done cutting off pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits and about to store it in the house, I saw one of pisang tanduk (banana) fruits already turned yellow in colour [2]. Then, make fast decision to harvest it at once. 
Picture of the pisang tanduk (banana) fruits still dangling on its tree. After cut off the tree for the harvest process. 

Video proof of Dell enjoys eating ripe pisang nangka.

I was given 1 sisir/sikat (bunch) of pisang nangka (banana) by my generous girlfriend yesterday.
This morning I feel like to give my cats taste the most ripe of pisang nangka (banana). I sliced 1 of the pisang nangka (banana). Almost 2 cm thick.
Was quite surprised Dell go towards the bowl of pisang nangka (banana) first instead of chicken soup bowl. He do know to follow sunnah. Which is to eat fruits before a meal. Such a clever boy.
Video proof of Dell eat the pisang nangka (banana) from its bowl.
I just give the sliced pisang nangka (banana) as it is.

The look one of my pisang lemak manis (banana) fruit turned yellow.

This is taken morning of 17 June 2019 in Skudai. One of my pisang lemak manis (banana) fruit turned yellow. As its skin already cracked open, I immediately harvest it to prevent it from spoil. It weigh 76 gm.

Monday, June 17, 2019

My simple daily make up look after using lighting aid from 26 cm/10 inch ring light.

This is taken in the morning of 24 May 2019. After I applied make up with lighting aid from my 26 cm/10 inch ring light [1].

Both pictures taken using morning natural light in car. I just like my simple light make up turned out well.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

My review on perfume Fancy EDP from Jessica Simpson.

The look of the bottle perfume Fancy EDP from Jessica Simpson last 28 May 2019. For me it is moderately sweet. This perfume is basically 80% more subtle and mellow than my Pink Sugar perfume [1]. Which make is suitable to be used in hot and humid weather in Malaysia. I also notice that the sweet creamy pear scent in Fancy perfume is last and linger longer on me.
The look of the perfume and its scented lotion. 

Saturday, June 15, 2019

My lighting setup to apply make up after Zohor prayer.

This is taken after Zohor prayer of 24 May 2019.
This is taken using lighting assistance from my 26 cm/10 inch ring light [1]. Under medium mode of white lighting.

Can see that my face is too off white in the taken selfie.

This is taken using medium mode of warm white setting.
The selfie is more natural looking than white setting lighting.
Both pictures taken under arm length distance.
And I was near the window but I did not turn on the room lights at all that time.

Friday, June 14, 2019

The look of my germinated bunga telang (blue/butterfly pea) plant.

This is taken in the morning of 28 May 2019. Last time I thought the germinated plant died after eaten by siput babi (giant snail/escargot) or slug that currently a lot in my house compound.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Unboxing my 26 cm/10 inch ring light.

I received my 26 cm/10 inch ring light in the evening of 23 May 2019. Quite fast delivery despite nearing last 2 weeks of Ramadhan. I place my order last 19 May 2019. Basically almost 7 days after placing order for it. 

Measurement of the ring light 26 cm. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The look of freshly plucked misai kucing flower.

The look of harvested organic misai kucing flower last evening of 16 May 2019.
This is taken using flash in my Samsung J7 Prime phone.
This is taken without my phone flash.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The huge siput babi (escargot) that is climbing my dividing fence at night.

I found 1 huge siput babi (escargot) last night of 20 May 2019 while feeding my cats at sidewalk. It was climbing the dividing fence in my house quietly.
The huge size of siput babi (escargot) when being compared to my palm. Do ignore Dell's bushy tail there at the corner of the picture.

Monday, June 10, 2019

The healthy look of my growing orange honeydew plant.

The healthy growth of my orange honeydew plant. This is taken in the evening of 16 May 2019. Basically after 30 days.

Hopefully it will grow well and bear fruits faster for consumption.