
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Harvesting second sisir/sikat (bunch) pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits

This is taken in the morning of 29 July 2019. Fortunately I notice second sisir/sikat (bunch) to my fourth pisang lemak manis (banana) have turned yellow. The length of the most yellow one is 8.5 cm with 12 cm perimeter. 1 cm more in perimeter from first harvest last 28 July 2019 [1].
Selfie with my pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits. Pun of the day: to get manis (sweet) look, you need to eat at least one organic pisang lemak manis (banana) fruit daily.

Digging out 3 from 9 unit of my pisang relong (banana) offspring.

This is taken in the evening of 18 July 2019.
The look of the 3 unit pisang relong (banana) offspring from 9 unit that being dig out in the evening. I let it soak in water before plant them in temporary container. Or let them go to new owner home.
The look of 8 from 9 unit pisang relong (banana) offspring in the morning.

Monday, July 29, 2019

My customer already harvested her pisang lemak manis 2 times this year.

This printscreen is taken last 28 July 2019. Where one of my customer already harvest her pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits 2 times this year. She obtained one of pisang lemak manis (banana) offspring from me last September 2018 [1].
I am proud for her achievement. Seems like she is able to get 5 sisir/sikat (bunch) of pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits despite it is planted in a huge vase.

My simple daily make up look.

This is taken in the afternoon of 18 July 2019.
At this time, I have done plenty sweating and outdoor activities. Such as tending after my plants before leave the house, lunch, 2 field meeting at site and lastly walk around 200 m from last meeting site to my lab. And I am glad my simple daily make up still look nice on me.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Harvesting 1 sisir/sikat (bunch) of my pisang lemak manis.

This is taken in the morning of 28 July 2019. Where 3 unit of my fourth pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits from top sisir/sikat (bunch) already turned to yellow colour [1]. Despite daun pengasuh still green in colour. As usually, daun pengasuh will started to wither as indicator the banana is good for harvest.
The most yellow one weigh 73 gm. It is quite plump. Although the skin is hard to peel, the banana flesh taste sweet and tasty.

Selfie with my pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits.

Pandan plant for my garden.

This is taken in the afternoon of 18 July 2019. Additional pandan plant (Pandanus amaryllifolius) to my garden.
Selfie with the pandan plant.
Manage to cut off some part for my colleague. Save it in the lab for self pick up next week.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Unwrapping my 160 LEDs video light.

Just manage to received the parcel of my video light last noon of 13 June 2019. At the 4th delivery attempt by courier.
I choose this video light from Andoer as it comes with battery and battery charger within the package. So far the best deal for the price range of my budget.
Testing the lighting from the video light. Do forgive my oily face. Been busy finishing up works to notice such matter.
Under lowest light setting, no filter.
Under highest light setting, no filter.

My simple make up look without foundation and powder.

This is taken in the afternoon of 17 July 2019. I apply very light make up as I am still giving my skin time to heal after pimples pops last 16 July 2019. Plus I only have less than 5 minutes to be ready this morning. Since I have usedy energy for my cats and plants earlier.
I do think my face still look decent and alive with this light make up look. I only use sunscreen after moisturiser. Then I define my eyebrows, apply blusher and end with lips. Totally skip concealer, foundation and powder.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The look of my 4 cm red dragon fruit stem, planted from seed.

This is taken in the morning of 17 July 2019.
This one is from the batch I germinated last 4 May 2019 [1]. The thorny stem is around 4 cm long. After 70 days from the last growth update last 9 May 2019 [1].
Feel really nice seeing the growth of this red dragon fruit plant. Since it is germinated from the seeds in the fruit that I consumed last 3 May 2019.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The look of third fruit bud to my existing durian belanda (soursop) fruit branch.

This is taken in the morning of 17 July 2019. Basically after 9 days the same branch being identified bearing 2 unit of fruit buds last 8 July 2019 [1].
Quite excited to see the third fruit bud. Just worry that the branch capability to withstand the weight of the fruits later. If all the of them successfully germinated into fruits.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The look of my plump pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits.

This is taken last 18 July 2019. My selfie with my plump pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits.

Now counting days for time to harvest this precious pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits of mine.

Perfume layering using Fancy and Vanilla Lace.

I am craving for sweet vanilla scent last 11 July 2019. Since the weather is hot today (based on observation and weather forecast), I am refraining myself from using perfume Pink Sugar [1]. Since it can get overbearing despite 1 spritz of this EDT perfume. 
I end up using 1 spritz of perfume Fancy EDP from Jessica Simpson before dress up [2]. Where I layer it up with 1 spritz of body mist Vanilla Lace from Victoria Secret after I am fully dressed [3]. I am satisfied with the strength and sweetness of the layered scent. Good enough to satisfy my sweet scent craving without being overbearing and suffocating others. I do find that Vanilla Lace scent is more dominant on my wrist after almost 7 hours spray it on.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My simple make up look with dark green eyeshadow.

This is taken in the morning of 22 July 2019. Since I am feeling much better today, I manage to spare time and energy to put of dark green eyeshadow on my eyelids. I was even stopped by one of the waitress before I leave the restaurant that I dine in. As she is curious to know my secret and tips to my glow and lembap (dewy) looking skin today. To know more, please scroll below to keep on reading👇👇👇.

My selfie of today look:

The look of my 2 unit purple nona (sweetsop/custard apple) fruits.

This is taken in the morning of 17 July 2019.
Overview of 2 unit purple nona (sweetsop/custard apple) fruits.
Close up on the young green colour of my purple nona (sweetsop/custard apple) fruit.

Monday, July 22, 2019

7 from 28 types of pisang (banana) plants in my house compound.

Currently I have 7 from 28 types (25%) of pisang (banana) plants in my house compound [1] :
1. Pisang lemak manis
2. Pisang emas/mas
3. Pisang berangan
4. Pisang nipah
5. Pisang tanduk
6. Pisang raja
7. Pisang relong

All seven (7) pisang (banana) plant does occupied nicely my land size 10 feet x 70 feet at the side of my house.
Which means if you have larger land area, you could definitely plant more plants and varieties of banana plants.

So far I have harvested :
1. Pisang lemak manis = 3 times.
  • Last 7 September 2018 [2].
  • Last February and March 2019 [3].
  • Last 18 June 2019 [4].
2. Pisang tanduk = 3 times.
  • 16 unit of pisang tanduk (banana) fruits last 7 March 2018 [5].
  • 13 unit of pisang tanduk (banana) fruits last 23 February 2019 [6].
  • 12 unit of pisang tanduk (banana) fruits  last 18 June 2019 [7].

My pretty thick new scoby layer after 8 days brew.

This is taken in the evening of 16 July 2019. Where the layer of my new scoby already grow almost 30% thicker than last 11 July 2019. Around 1.2 cm thick.

I am happy to see that the previous or old scobies still able to produce new scoby layer after 8 days brewing it under first fermentation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Daily readers from US and Malaysia almost 1:1 ratio.

This is taken in the morning of 21 July 2019. Where my daily reader from US and Malaysia almost 1:1 ratio. 
Here stated readers from US is 34 and from Malaysia is 33👆👆👆. I am quite surprised to see plenty of readers from other countries. Seems like my decision to write in English does helps in getting international readers. 

My simple make up look when having pimples invasion.

This is taken late evening of 16 July 2019. After I settle my cats and plants at home. I apply very light make up as I am having 2 pimples for my after menstrual effect.
Pimples area marked in red circles and arrows.
Can see my face still look decent with this light make up look in the end of the day. I only use concealer for my under eyes after put on sunscreen. Then I define my eyebrows, apply blusher and end with lips.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The pretty ladybird beetle on my purple nona (sweetsop) leaf.

This is taken last 10 July 2019. The ladybird beetle size is quite huge on the leaf of my purple nona (sweetsop/custard apple) plant.
Hopefully this ladybird beetle will procreate and stay longer in my house compound. As they are a very good insect that helps to keep my house garden away from aphids and scale insects [2].

Friday, July 19, 2019

The look of my young normal kombucha scoby and yeast growth.

This is taken in the morning of 11 July 2019. Basically after 2 days I put all my scobies in new brewed kombucha tea from their scoby hotel.
The look of small spots is actually the yeast growth to produce a new layer of scoby. Which can easily mistaken as mold for beginner.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The plump towards yellow look of my pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits.

This is taken in the morning of 17 July 2019. Based on calculation from the day its heart is out, this one good to be harvested end of July 2019 [1].

My review on body mist Vanilla Lace from Victoria Secret

Been using it alternately with Body Fantasies Signature Vanilla Fantasy since my menstrual last 9 July 2019 [1]. Somehow this month I have vanilla sweet scent cravings.
Bought it last time in 2015 while I was pursuing my Master studies.
Found that I get smell like freshly baked cookies when I first spray it on. Very addictive vanilla cookies scent.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bubbles in my kombucha brew and scoby.

This is taken in the morning of 10 July 2019. I am able to see bubbles in my kombucha brew and scoby. After last leave the scoby in scoby hotel 11 May 2019. Seems like after 60 days, the scoby still in good condition.
The scoby looks oddly small and round in this new large jar👆👆👆. Commented by one of my colleague when seeing this picture. As that person never take care a scoby. So did not know why it looks like that. Where the explanation follow as below👇👇👇.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The look of first papaya fruit bud planted outside lab.

This is taken last evening of 4 July 2019. Can see that the papaya flower have successfully turned to papaya fruit bud. This is Eksotika type of papaya. It is planted outside lab area.
This is taken last 2 July 2019.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Paper wasp on my banana leaf.

This is taken last 3 July 2019. The paper wasp was stopping on my pisang lemak manis (banana) leaf.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The sweet ripe Solo type papaya of mine.

It was harvested last evening of 4 July 2019. It weigh around 1 kg. Quite huge for a Solo type papaya.
I peel it off last evening of 6 July 2019. It was nicely ripe and tender full of sweetness.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Planting purple nona (sweetsop) plant outside lab area.

This is taken last 30 June 2019. Manage to spare time to plant my long due purple nona (sweetsop) plant in its 1.5 liter container.
Selfie with the satisfied hole that I have dig out to plant this purple nona (sweetsop) plant. 

Friday, July 12, 2019

The healthy look of my pisang nipah offspring.

This is taken last 1 July 2019. Can see the growth of my pisang nipah (banana) offspring. It is already have 5 big and healthy leaves compare to 4 small ones last 27 May 2019 [2]. I plant it at the small land area around 1 and half feet wide near huge drain in front of my house.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The heaviest pisang tanduk (banana) fruit weigh 955 gm.

The largest pisang tanduk (banana) fruit from the whole tandan (bunch) is 955 gm. Where it is around 4% lighter than my first harvest 992 gm last 7 March 2018 [1]. 

The look of the rest of pisang tanduk (banana) fruits.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Selling offspring of my pisang berangan and pisang lemak manis.

This is taken last noon of 10 July 2019. Handover offspring pisang berangan (banana) and pisang lemak manis (banana). The taller one is pisang berangan (banana) offspring.
Location: Skudai, Johor.
Method: cash on delivery.

Normally I sell RM 15 for each offspring to pisang berangan (banana) and pisang lemak manis (banana) plant. But this set extra RM 5 is charge per offspring

The look of 4 sisir/sikat pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits from the one planted in container.

This is given to me last 4 July 2019 from my neighbour. Update on the progress of her planted pisang lemak manis (banana) plant in a container. Where hers already bear 4 sisir/sikat pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The pretty look of 6 sisir/sikat pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits.

This is taken last 3 July 2019. Can see there is up to 6 sisir/sikat pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits from 1 tandan (bunch).
Seems like I am able to get more than 6 sisir/sikat pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits based on the balance size of its heart.

Monday, July 8, 2019

The look of my first 2 unit of soursop flowers.

This is taken in the morning of 8 July 2019. The first 2 unit of my soursop flowers. I planted it last 8 September 2017. Basically the first flowers is out after it is planted for 669 days or 1 year 10 months and 1 day.
The look of the first 2 unit of my soursop flowers.

Close up on the first 2 unit of soursop flowers. Can see the right ones is already blooming.

Open lab day with organic pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits.

Since it is still within Aidil Fitri month, my boss invite few of his colleagues to enjoys the harvested organic pisang lemak manis (banana) fruits [1]. As that is the one we have planted outside lab and harvested last 26 June 2019 [1]. 
Up till 2 July 2019, total almost 10 people able to fully enjoy the sweet taste of it. It is not much since it is small in size. But it is fully packed with sweetness.

The weight of this organic pisang lemak manis (banana) fruit is 15 gm.