
Thursday, August 30, 2018

My look today where it was being guessed to be 9 years younger than my actual age.

This evening I joined my colleagues for tea break with their graduated Master student. The Master student is previously my labmate in Embedded lab ever since his undergraduate time till Master from 2014 till 2018.
The fresh look right after leaving the house this morning.

The look before prayer.

My freshen up look after prayer which being guessed my age 9 years younger as per below. 

The pictures taken using Samsung J7 Prime.
Taken using Oppo A71 (2018)
I even have joined gotong royong (communal works) before the tea break drink [1]. Yet the make up still not affected with the sweat😉.

My labmate even scold his sister for guessing my age same as his. Despite he have called me Kak😂. Guess his sister is too tired to notice such subtle hint after a long drive from Penang to JB last night.
No wonder nowadays people always mistaken my colleague as my father. As he is at the correct guessed age gap between me and my late father ~ 21 years old😊. Which actually our age gap is less than 2 decades.
Seems like my effort in growing my own organic crops did helps a lot to contribute for my good skin conditions. Especially the fresh organic papaya [2]. Worth all the effort and hardships journey on my attempt for healthy glowing skin inside out. 
Till then, do enjoy the praised when people guess your age 9 years younger than your actual age😊.

[1] The gotong royong (cummunal works) before going for tea break
[2] My guessed 9 years younger looks. All thanks to the abundance of goodness in my fresh organic papaya grown at home

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