
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The look of my okra fruit buds today.

I was surprised to see my planted okra already bear its fruit buds after almost 1 month germinated [1].
Posing with the okra plant in its container.

Home cooked nasi lemak and sambal daging for brunch today.

I manage to make nasi lemak and sambal daging (spicy beef) for my brunch today. I used my organic home grown chili for my sambal daging.
The packed food container in lab.

Overview of the nasi lemak and sambal daging.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

My daily make up look today using my purple limited edition 15 pieces Sonia Kashuk make up brushes.

My daily make up look after using 7 from 15 pieces of purple Sonia Kashuk limited edition make up brushes set.
My make up look for today.

Monday, October 29, 2018

The huge growth of my apple mint today.

I decided to pluck 2 of my apple mint leaves to make my sleep inducing drink.
The size growth is huge.
Length is around 4.5 cm and width is around 3.5 cm.
Twice larger that the one taken pictures last 23 July 2018 [1].
The apple mint leaves size on my palm.

My black and white shoes theme for today.

I was walking confidently like usual as I wear my daily make up today.
There are 2 postgradute Nigerian students smiling widely after seeing me walking to prayer room. 1 even greet me. Only after I put on my shoes after prayer, I know why. I am using black and white shoes theme🤣. After almost 4 hours busy finishing up works.

Process flow for international student to bring their spouse in UTM Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Below is the process flow for any international students who wanted to bring their spouse, children, father or mother along with them in UTM Johor Bahru campus. Here is the simplified flowchart to get dependent pass for their spouse.
The process flow.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Using 6 from 15 pieces of my purple Sonia Kashuk limited edition make up brush set.

I used again 6 from 15 pieces of my purple Sonia Kashuk limited edition make up brush set yesterday. Bought last 20 August 2017 [1].
As my Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury set (8 pieces) need to be under deep cleaning [2].
The look of the purple Sonia Kashuk limited edition make up brush set in my daily make up bag.
Seems like I get the hang in using the make up brushes from this set. Even manage to get decent eyebrows look using the eyebrow brush (angled brush) from the set for yesterday dinner.

My 3 main steps of skincare routine for a good skin condition.

I will try my best to stick with these 3 main skincare steps in daily basis.
  1. Wash face using facial cleanser after clean it up from make up. Last time I did invest in facial cleanser that able to remove make up. But it is too expensive for my current state. Good for those who is quite busy and avid make up user.
  2. Use toner to clean up skin from any impurities after facial cleansing. I normally choose alcohol free as my skin unable to tolerate it.
  3. Moisturized skin using moisturizing cream.

These 3 main steps does helps a lot to maintain my current skin condition.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Enjoying custard bread pudding at site.

I immediately have a taste of my custard bread pudding after reach the site area. As I have not eaten my breakfast yet.
The setting.

The pretty look of my bread pudding this morning.

Although I need to go out early for site testing today, I am glad to be able to make custard bread pudding before leave the house.
The look of the cooked bread pudding.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Close up look of new leaf pisang nipah planted outside lab today.

It has been almost 2 weeks after pisang nipah planted outside lab area. No sign of new leaf coming out from it. As I am being impatient, I decided to cut off all its leaves after arrive lab today. Manage to see that actually there is new leaf in process coming out from the most top leaf.
The look of the new pisang nipah (banana) leaf on the plant.

The healthy look of ginseng jawa (talinum paniculatum) at home today.

The look of ginseng jawa (talinum paniculatum) that I plant directly on land area in my house compound. 
Can see how big and long the leaves become.
Can see the large size of the harvested leaves.
The largest leaf length is around 10 cm long.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

My make up look today.

I like my make up today. Despite my bloating face and heavy blackened eyebags.
Taken today around 9.45 am.
I even have to use my orange corrector to cover my massive bloated and darkened eyebags. Seems like my make up skills still there.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

My natural make up look for today.

This is just my own self keeping on my daily skin condition and make up look. If my skin is not in a good shape (dry, flaky), it can be seen clearly when I put on make up.

My morning make up:

The pretty look of misai kucing flower outside lab today.

The pretty look of blooming misai kucing flower planted outside lab today.
The huge misai kucing flower.

Total weight of 7 organic papayas of mine is 7,590 gm.

I am able to harvest 7 unit of my organic papayas. Where the total weight for all 7 of them are 7,590 gm.
4 unit of harvested organic Eksotika papayas.
This one weigh 1,345 gm.
It looks that ugly as the outer part has been scraped by the used galah. This one I already peeled for self consumption. Share 1/8 with Dell already for his snack at home.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My bouquet of my organic rose japan flowers.

I manage to pack a bouquet of my organic rose japan flowers today to plant in the lab. As few of them bloom this morning. Which make it easier to identify which one I wanted to bring. All pictures were taken using my Samsung J7 Prime [1].

The look of Dell guarding me from garden lizard this morning.

I was busy burying my organic fertilizer at the plants at home this morning. Yet Dell never leave my side. Then I saw a medium size garden lizard around 8 cm body length on my lime tree [1]. And Dell already sit in front of me, guarding me from the garden lizard.
The garden lizard in red circle.

Can see how Dell bravely sitting in front of me to guard me from the garden lizard.

Dell is such a sweetheart and gentleman type of male cat😗. Seems like I trained him well😄. Dell also know not to disturb the garden lizard as it is also a good pest control for my garden.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

6 cm diameter of my pegaga kampung and 10 cm diameter pegaga gajah in my house.

I was asked to give pictures of the pegaga that I grew at home last 2 weekend. As my prospect customer cannot believe when I say that my pegaga kampung and pegaga gajah leaf is as big as my palm size.
6 cm diameter of my pegaga kampung and 10 cm diameter pegaga gajah in my house.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

My nose unable to pick up my perfume smell and today I am down with mild flu.

My nose just unable to pick up the scent of  strong perfume that I wear since last Wednesday. I end up with thick phlegm today. Which is a sign I am having flu. The main culprit that disable my nose ability to pick up the sweet scent of perfume that I wear.

My trouble shooting journey of my  sweet perfume and nose blockage due to flu:
I was wearing my strong and sweet  Pink Sugar EDT perfume for this whole week [1].
I am unable to get hold its scent last Thursday, unlike usual. Which I found quite odd. As this Pink Sugar perfume is have a quite strong and lasting smell.

Friday, October 12, 2018

The near death incident with long heavy lorry right after passed traffic light in Taman Pulai Hijauan towards Skudai.

I experienced near death incident with long heavy lorry right after passed traffic light in Taman Pulai Hijauan towards Skudai. This incident happen around 4.00 to 4.20 pm today. The long heavy lorry did not even stop despite it is long already red light on its side. As we just turn into the most right after our side of traffic light turned green. And this lorry coming from our back, just honking like mad from our back. Fortunately we took the most right lane that time. God knows what will happen if otherwise.
The look of the long heavy lorry going towards Taman Pulai Indah.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The pretty bright red colour of my cili padi type mini (chili pepper) today.

Yesterday most of my cili padi type mini/burung (chili pepper type bird's eye) still in dark green mode [1] . Today, 3 of them turned to bright red orangy in colour.
This cili padi type mini/burung is around 3 cm long. And quite plump.

Spray bottle with pressure system - a good investment for my organic planting care.

One of my gardening companion just used this type of sprayer with pressure system. I happen to get on hold this awesome garden assist yesterday evening to tend after the planted plants in the lab compound. As few of the papaya plants being attacked and infested with whiteflies.
Short video on how the mist and the sprayer projection produced by this sprayer.
The curly effect look of the affected leaves that being attacked by whiteflies.

The abundance whiteflies under the affected papaya leaf.
Can see that the whiteflies manifest along the length of the leaf stem.
The used sprayer bottle with 3 liter capacity.
My concoction of organic pesticide that contain azadirachtin.
The healthy look of pisang lemak manis.
Due to latest news on high level pesticide in vegetables such as chili and water lettuce, just give me more reason to put effort to plant all my needed vegetables supplies myself [1,2,3]. Makes me feel grateful as I have started growing my own cili padi (chili pepper) at home [4].
As I used organic care approach to tend after my plants at home. All for the safety of my precious cats. Who loves to much on the grown herbs that I have grown all over my house.

Till then, have fun in tending after your plants with organic care😉💪.

[1] Previously, there was news that the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) had recalled two types of Malaysian iceberg lettuces from the Singapore market on October 4 when it was discovered to be unsafe for consumption. Higher than permitted levels of the pesticide, Fipronil was found in two brands of the product, namely Pasar and Iceberg that were sold at NTUC FairPrice and Sheng Siong supermarkets.
[2] SINGAPORE: The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) has issued a recall for iceberg lettuce after it detected high levels of pesticide in the vegetable imported from a Malaysian farm.
[3] The Malaysian Inspection and Quarantine Agency had recently detected plant protection drug residue exceeding the neighboring country’s permissible level in Vietnam’s chili shipments, leading to the suspension.
[4] The pretty and healthy look of my cili padi (chili pepper) at home, grown organically

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Perfume Pink Sugar EDT by Aquolina best used during current rainy weather.

Despite it is quite cold during the current rainy weather in Johor, Malaysia, I am taking full advantage of it by using back my precious sweet sugary perfume. That is my precious Pink Sugar EDT perfume. As such perfume would be too sweet, cloying and unbearable during very hot humid weather. Unless you work in fully air-conditioned work place. Like my previous work in Siemens😊.
The look of my precious Pink Sugar perfume.

The look of my organic cili padi (chili pepper) plant in its small pot.

This is the look of my cili padi (chili pepper) that is full with abundance chili fruits.
As usual, Dell like to be in the taken picture.

As a proof that he is not lazy and always accompanying his Mama as bodyguard😄

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

My simple youthful make up look today.

I manage to put on quite a youthful make up look despite I have to leave the house early this morning.
My selfie taken using my Oppo A71 (2018).

Heavy harvest of mahogany or sky fruit today.

I happen to obtain fresh fallen mahagony or sky fruit this morning. What a luck!
The long and huge size of this mahogany or sky fruit.

Residents Association and Security fees = part of cost that everyone forgets in a property

I happen to read back this article from dated 5 September 2018. The article title is costs everyone forgets to budget for when buying a property [1]. Where the second point is Residential Association and Security fees. Refer to image below.
Part on Residential Association and Security from article [1].

Unboxing perfume Obsession for Men EDT by Calvin Klein.

My customer placed order of this perfume last 29 September 2018. He order 200 ml of perfume Obsession for Men EDT by Calvin Klein, new in box (NIB). As there is option for tester unit from my supplier.
Summary of the unboxing process.
Umboxing is done with the permission from buyer. In order to check the goods before post out to him.
I even granted to spray the perfume. As the buyer wanted my opinion on the perfume scent. Lucky me😊.

Info on the perfume [1]:
Obsession for Men Eau de Toilette by Calvin Klein. Intense. Unforgettable. Provocative. Between love and madness lies Obsession. This spicy oriental is a provocative and compelling blend of herbs and rare woods.
  • Top notes - Mandarin, bergamot
  • Middle notes - Lavender, myrrh, spices
  • Base notes - Musk, sandalwood, patchouli

My verdict:
  • Soft inoffensive perfume with woodsy powdery rich with spices type of scent.
  • Suitable for both men an woman to use.
Somehow this perfume does remind me of my perfume Shalimar for Woman EDP by Guerlain. But in much mild version of Shalimar.

For those who are interested to buy perfume, can drop inquiry to me at .

Till then, have fun window shopping your desired perfume.


Monday, October 8, 2018

The look of few flowers in my house compound.

I manage to take pictures of few flowers that I plant in my house compound.
The compiled look of the flowers.
The top left is bunga butang (globe amaranth) plant.
The one on the left bottom and right is among the rose japan that I just replant on that area last week.
Hopefully, there will be more good pollinating insects would come to my house after this😉.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Making pumpkin cake as gift to bring for my girlfriend's daughter birthday today.

I was invited by my girlfriend to attend her daughter birthday event today. Since my papaya still not ripe enough to bring as gift, I decided to bake pumpkin cake instead. I am accustomed to bring gift especially foods when going to closed friends and relatives house. A gesture teached by my Mum.
The pretty look of the cake batter with 1 rose flower petals, 4 apple mint leaves and 3 spearmint leaves.
I decided to put additional ingredients:

  • 1 unit rose flower. I used the petals.
  • 4 apple mint leaves.
  • 3 spearmint leaves.

Packing my apple mint and chili pepper for my girlfriend.

I am invited by my girlfriend for her daughter's birthday celebration today. Since I told her I manage to replant my apple mint to 6 pots, she asking for one of it.
So, I have pack them in one pot to bring today.
The look of packed apple mint and chili pepper in 1 pot.

Friday, October 5, 2018

The fresh look of my apple mint plant despite the hot blazing weather today.

I take one from 6 unit case of my replanted apple mint to give to one of my gardening companion.
Can see how fresh my apple mint look despite the hot blazing weather today.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The look of my kuchai omelette this morning.

The look of my kuchai omelette as main dish of nasi lemak for this morning breakfast. I am using my organic kuchai leaves [1].
The pretty look of my kuchai omelette.
This kuchai omelette taste good for my hungry stomach.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Few of my morning activity and my make up that last after that.

Since today I need to leave home earlier, I decided to get ready with my work dress before going downstairs.
The huge size of my pegaga kampung (Centella asiatica).

The ulam that I eat as my morning snack.
From left: kemangi leaves, pegaga kampung leaf and 3 unit asparagus shoots.

Monday, October 1, 2018

My subtle way on those who throw their rubbish in my home dustbin.

This is my initiative to subtly remind those who throw their rubbish in my dustbin, located outside my house.
The written reminder.

Tending after my plants this morning.

This morning my schedule quite full. As I have sufficient energy to do most pending house chores.
My precious germinate okra. Germinated last Friday.