
Friday, September 7, 2018

The satisfying sweet taste of my organic pisang lemak manis today.

Despite the drizzling rain, I manage to harvest my ripe and organic pisang lemak manis. The banana ripe 8 weeks after the heart come out last 12 July 2018 [2].
Summary of the organic harvest:
  • The whole tandan weigh 10.5 kg.
  • Got 8 sisir pisang (bunch/comb of banana) = 124 unit banana fruits.
  • The one I eat weigh 123 gm with 13 cm diameter.
It is quite an achievement for me. Considering I have no agricultural background. And planted in residential housing area. Not in a village type of area.
The sweet and huge pisang lemak manis.
Can see the gleaming eyes of Dell in the left  part in the background. He is eyeing on my sweet banana😂.
The one I eat is 123 gm.

Diameter around 13 cm.

Able to get 8 sisir pisang lemak manis (bunch/comb of banana)
I have marked the 8 sisir pisang lemak manis (bunch/ comb of banana) with red coloured sketch numbers.

Can see Dell lurking on the left part in this picture.

Cutting off the pisang lemak manis from its tree.
Can even see car of neighbour next door😅. As I planted the tree on the 10 feet land area beside my house.
Total weight of my pisang lemak manis is 10.5 kg.
Picture of the banana before being cut off from its tree.

Uncover the pisang lemak manis.

The look of covered pisang lemak manis fruits from preying eyes.
I have even donate and plant 2 of this banana offspring outside my lab area yesterday evening [3].
Type of fertilizer used for this pisang lemak manis tree is compost organic home made fertilizer, kitchen waste, dried leaves and twigs. My organic and frugal way towards no waste effort at home. Makes me fully utilize waste at home.
I am also grateful that my banana fruits safe and sound on its tree from thieves. Which makes me able to taste savory and sweetness of the planted organic banana fruits.
It does feel nice and fulfilling to taste the organic harvest of banana that I planted myself.
Till then, have fun enjoying your planted pisang lemak manis at home.

[1] The look of pisang lemak manis fruits after the heart come out last 18 July 2018
[2] The look of pisang lemak manis heart last 12 July 2018
[3] Planting 2 pisang tanduk, 1 pisang lemak manis, 1 mango and 1 kuini tree outside lab area

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