I do notice my spearmint leaves lools withered yesterday. But do not have time to look into it as I need to get ready for work after watering them. Since today is public holiday, I manage to take time to take closer look on it. To my dismay, it was infested by lots of small hairy caterpillars.
Close up look the caterpillars. |
I immediately make my organic with neem based pest control solution and spray all over the plant. So far, all the caterpillars was washed away due to strong spray from my pressurized spray.
At this point, image recognition and image processing can really contribute for pest detection and control. As plant death prevention could be done in faster manner. Since not all people have time to carefully look one by one their planted plants in daily basis.
Hopefully the spearmint plant will recover from it by tomorrow onwards.
Till then, have fun in tending after your plants at home this public holiday😉💪.